Get values of a specified measurement for a given WHO centile/z-score and growth standard pair (e.g. length vs. age) and sex over a specified grid
p = 50,
x_var = "agedays",
y_var = "lenhtcm",
sex = "Female",
data = NULL
z = 0,
y_var = "lenhtcm",
x_var = "agedays",
sex = "Female",
data = NULL
vector specifying the values of x over which to provide the centiles for y
centile or vector of centiles at which to compute values (a number between 0 and 100 - 50 is median)
x variable name (typically "agedays") - see details
y variable name (typically "htcm" or "wtkg") that specifies which variable of values should be returned for the specified value of q - see details
"Male" or "Female"
optional data frame that supplies any of the other variables provided to the function
z-score or vector of z-scores at which to compute values
for all supported pairings of y_var
and x_var
, type names(who_coefs)
# median height vs. age for females
x <- seq(0, 365, by = 7)
med <- who_centile2value(x)
plot(x, med, xlab = "age in days", ylab = "median female height (cm)")
# 99th percentile of weight vs. age for males from age 0 to 1461 days
dat <- data.frame(x = rep(seq(0, 1461, length = 100), 2),
sex = rep(c("Male", "Female"), each = 100))
dat$p99 <- who_centile2value(x, p = 99, y_var = "wtkg", sex = sex, data = dat)
lattice::xyplot(kg2lb(p99) ~ days2years(x), groups = sex, data = dat,
ylab = "99th percentile weight (pounds) for males",
xlab = "age (years)", auto.key = TRUE)